(1) I agree with Sean's idea of two reunions, back to back, in the same location. My preference would be for one, but with the addition of new collectors since Providence, it would be a very large group. Perhaps we could follow John's suggestion from the boat/bus trips in Providence and have all the connected collectors choose the same section to attend. Maybe HL could build in a procedure in the registration process to allow that, since with 2 reunions, everyone who wanted to attend would have a space.
(2) HL should offer the same sculpture for both groups.
(3) N.A.
(4) C. Art's and Bob's idea of limiting each family group to a set number of sculptures has merit (who needs 6 event pieces) and this will keep the costs down for family groups.
(5) No Preference
(6) I just really hope that Harbour Lights does not change from the great customer oriented company that it is.

[This message has been edited by JimJohnson (edited 05-24-2000).]