IMHO, I believe Bill and the gang are seriously leaning towards two reunions. I can understand the strong feelings of fellow collectors about staying with the one reunion format. Myself, being one of the lucky ones to attend the 2nd reunion, have different feelings. I think having two and keeping the size at 500 allows a much more intimate feel. I really enjoyed Providence but at times it was quite hectic. As long as both reunions are structured as close as realistically can be done, I'm for trying it.
I don't know about the rest, but I would really appreciate the chance to make the cut for the second one if I did not make the first one. I know I would feel terrible not to make either and the prospects of allowing 1000 collectors to go split between two sites sounds alot more enjoyable then trying to accomodate a 1000 at one venue. My little "bald head" would be lost among the masses.