I am also sorry to hear that Mombo (Sue) will not be attending. She is one of the people I had hoped to meet at the Reunion.

I will attempt to make my main objection clear- as it seems to be lost in the translation. I do not like the concept of giving different treatment to certain people. I certainly think it is wrong for people to simply join a club just to get early registration.

but as I have stated before, I think that the point of keeping it a secret is what is the wrongness of the concept. I understand that the Legacy has a deadline, but the main event conflicting was known long before. I maintain that at the very least the change could have been put on the website.

Changes to the site can be accomplished very quickly.

I am not trying to start any trouble. I am simply giving my opionion. I understand you can't please everyone. I understand the logic and the economics. I simply object to the fact that certain people were given an opportunity that others were not and told not to tell anyone about it.

I agree that Bill Younger and his family and his company have done numerous wonderful things for both their customers and for lighthouses int his and other countries. I salute them now and have done so before. I will continue to support their efforts in any way I can. I understand no one is perfect. I'm not. I just expected better from such a group of people such as the Harbour Lights group.
