I hesitated on if I should post anything here or not. I guess the controversial side won out, so here goes.

When I first heard about this, I knew it would be controversial, but as was mentioned above, no matter what Harbour Lights did, someone would be upset. It is just impossible to please all of the people all of the time. I am convinced that Harbour Lights weighed the consequences and made the best decision in their opinion.

As far as an "Official" announcement from Harbour Lights, I am betting that this information spread so fast that they did not have an opportunity to issue one. This is the 21st century and evidently news sure travels fast.

This is not a precedent setting move for Harbour Lights. We are all aware that in the past, Harbour Lights set edition sizes for their LE's. Sculpted them right into the flag on the piece. Low and behold, some pieces were retired early and instead of having edition sizes of 9500 like the flag said, pieces like Selkirk, Peggy's Cove, and the Lady Lightkeeper series to name a few had less than 9500 pieces. In some cases significantly fewer. While this is not the same as reunion registration. It is similar and most collectors applauded this change in position by Harbour Lights.

It comes down to this: It doesn't matter if I think Harbour Lights is doing the right thing, or if you think Harbour Lights is doing the right thing. The reunion is their baby. To Dennis and the others who feel they are being wronged, I apologize to you. I know where you are coming from, and I can sympathize. It feels like being on the outside looking in. This reunion is serious business and Harbour Lights knows that. I am sure that the time and money that they will lay out for this reunion is mind boggling. That is probably why they made the change they did. They thought is was in their best interest. Should they have made an official announcement before informing the clubs of the decision? It's your call.

I have nothing but the strongest belief that Harbour Lights has the best interests of all of their collectors at heart. They are not trying to screw anyone and I will bet that they know some collectors out there are hurt by this change in procedure and in turn is causing a lot of hurt to those at Younger & Associates. One thing that could happen, Harbour Lights could say it is just not worth the hassle and say sorry gang, no reunion in 2001. That won't happen of course, but it would sure make things easier on them.

I sincerely hope that everyone that wants to attened will be able to attend and I have no reason to believe that anyone will be turned away. I could be wrong, but I don't think so. I would guess that Harbour Lights will now go out of their way more so than usual to be certain everyone will be able to attend.

If you agree with me or not, I hope everyone here can agree to disagree and still be freinds. It would be a shame to see hard feelings come about from something that is supposed to be so wonderful.
