Several have asked about an alternative hotel for the day or two before the reunion and the day or two after.

One of those who will be riding along is a travel agent and did some sleuthing for me. She found two alternatives:

Tremont Plaza and Tremont Hotel
Both have AAA AARP and Senior Rates of $129 plus tax. These are about 6-8 blocks from the 'Inner Harbor' waterfront. I don't know how far from the Reunion hotel.

If you'd like to check on availability and price for rooms, give them a call:

Tremont Suites 410-727-2222 is at 222 St. Paul
Tremont Hotel 410-576-1200 is at 8 E. Pleasant St.

I have not visited these hotels so I can't speak about the quality, etc. If any locals can check them out and give us a report, it would be appreciated.