Disneyworld?....... picture this, you get on a small boat with 49 other people (on a boat made for 30) your adventure begins...... around the first turn as you leave the harbor you pass the 3 Duluth lights and then past Wisconsin point and on past all the Superior lights until you pass thru a dark cave and when you exit the tunnel your heading down the Hudson River past all the lights as you exit New York harbor there is a bright flash and shazamm your cruising past Florida lights, an alligator approaches the boat and the passengers recoil in horror as the water line on the boat is only 6" below the railing as you've overloaded the boat by 20 people, but no fear it is animatronic. you continue west along the gulf coast as a storm is building all the while seeing each and every lighthouse but now the storm is getting worse your captain (Bill, Nancy, Harry, Kim or Esther now that she has her captains license) announces over the P.A. that you must seek safe harbor as the storm is now a class 11 hurricane, winds whip up rain begins soon it turns to a wall of water, the tiny ship is tossed, but as quickly as it starts it's over. As the skies clear Point Loma appears on the horizon. Your trip continues north towards Alaska, once in Alaska after seeing the all the lights your boat heads for a river, you enter the lock & dam as you exit the lock you find your self in Duluth harbor and a sign directing you to exit the boat, and it was all under 5 minutes and you saw over 350 lighthouses. Was it real? only Walt knows.