Here's the current counts for each of the tours. We'll be using either 40 or 50 passenger coaches. There are a few reservations that have not yet been paid for so these numbers may drop by a few - or others may come on board to fill those.

NJ Tour 94 reservations
MD Tour 77 reservations
Hooper Strait Thursday tour 10 reservations
Hooper Strait Sunday Tour 75 reservations
DE/VA Tour 68 reservations

I've emailed those who have a Thursday Hooper Strait tour to see if they could change to Sunday. With only 10 reservations, I will probably have to cancel this trip.

There is still room for more on each of the other tours. You can read more about them and sign up for them on-line at:


[This message has been edited by JChidester (edited 06-04-2001).]