I ran across a notebook of printouts from the "Harbour Lights Collectors Information Center" which was the non-official precursor to www.HarbourLights.com.

The very first chat on the Internet was held on July 19, 1997. Can't tell you much about what we talked about - the chat room software didn't capture log files as it does now.

This Internet chat room was inspired by the AOL chat room which was a created-on-the-fly within AOL. Those chats started around February 1997 as I recall. (Any of you old-timers remember more exactly? - Anybody have copies of those "Lighthouse Collectibles" board posts? I remember we tried to capture old posts before they automatically dropped off the horizon.

I'll bring those notebooks along to the 2001 Reunion and perhaps those who'd like to look back can review them on some of the long bus tour legs.

At this week's chat, we didn't get the preview photos we expected but they should be up soon. You can read the log here:

[This message has been edited by JChidester (edited 12-07-2000).]