[img] www.lighthousekeepers.com/uploads/files/einahpetSrelgniD@aol.com/CedarKeyPic.JPG [/img]

Shortcake - no spaces are permitted between the [URL] and the full URL.

Well, I see the system is inserting those spaces. Hmmm.

OK. You have SPACES in the file name. Go back and read the rules. NO SPACES. The file names you are uploading are too long. Try to keep the file names to <12 characters.

I deleted the spaces out of your file name.

It does not appear to be a true JPG file. Did you scan it? You didn't change the name of the extension, did you?

The other image will not work because of the & and the spaces in the file name and it's too long:

Rename #2 and upload it again.