With regards to buying older LE's, I bought one old one for some very specific reasons. I bought a ST. Georges reef because:

1)I had wanted to own at least one of the original models.
2)It was a very unique looking LH with an equally interesting history.
3)I got a great deal on it. (less than half price).

When It arrived, it didn't compare with any of the newer pieces, and the paint on it like many(?) of the first year pieces seemed to be a little on the "semi-gloss" side. Nevertheless, there is something about it that continues to appeal to me that I can't quite put my finger on. This particular piece serves it's purpose by having being part of the original legacy of HL. Although I know where other first year pieces are available, I don't think I'll be getting another one.

I think that every piece you buy represents something. Perhaps in your case it's an affinity for the legacy of the HL line. In my case my pattern seems to be differing or unique architectural styles. ie; although my wife thinks all lighthouses look alike, I think all mine are different- one caison, one screw pile, one brick tower, etc, etc.

Perhaps there is an underlying patterns in your pieces.
