You folks at sure get excited about the smallest of things. We're not talking four, five, or six figures here. We're talking about pocket change if that.

I further believe that personal problems should be worked out in private and not in this semi-public forum. The Internet is a wonderful thing to locate information about people, addresses, and phone numbers. Such resources should be utilized to locate and converse with an individual before attacking an individual's credibility.

Do your homework, Mike. Hire an investigator to work with your attorney and find out exactly how many of your images were sold and what profit those sales have generated after start up costs. Be prepared to prove that the pics being used are truly your images and not the images of people who went to that exact same spot and took roughly the exact same picture. What's that you say? Such a route would be cost prohibitive? It would cost a hundred times what you may actually be entitled to at this point?

I don't think John got rich selling stamps of your images or anyone else's, including mine. Your initial investment amounted to sending him photos you already had and were not a hot commodity on the retail market.

Perhaps you had a dream that the income from your pics might pay for a night out every once in awhile. It didn't happen. Perhaps John had a dream that this whole lighthouse sticker thing would take off and he would be able to take care of all those involved. It didn't happen.

All I know is thanks to the exposure I've received through the efforts of John have led to my images being published in a "coffee table" book about New England Lighthouses, my photos being published with an article I wrote for Cape Cod Life magazine, and I'm currently contracted for another article with Cape Cod Life for their August 2006 edition. I'm still smiling!

Don't sweat the small stuff, Mike. What's meant to be is meant to be. Patience is a virtue. All things come to those who wait. Hmmm??? Maybe I should start a Chinese fortune cookie business. Anybody with me?

:rolleyes: Bob :rolleyes: