I haven't been inclined to post here very often for many reasons but that is beside the point. I'm posting this now as a number of photographers that I know are rather distressed with the situation regarding the complete lack of responsiveness from John Chidester on accounting or any payment for the use of images in his Lighthouse Stickers project. I wouldn't have bothered to post this here, but since e-mails from many of us are being summarily ignored, a public forum seems to be an appropriate place to now air the issue.

It has been about 18 months since the last accounting of lighthouse sticker sales. E-mails to John requesting an update by me and others have gone unanswered. No one that I have corresponded with has seen any payment for the use of their photographs in this project since the one and only payment in July 2004. People who have asked to have their images removed have had little satisfaction. This is starting to look like blatant copyright infringement. It's about time that you started responding, John, and being considerably more responsible about your obligations to the photographers whose work you're exploiting to sell lighthouse stickers. We're all busy and I don't think any of us are going to be satisfied with that as an excuse for your unresponsive behavior... not after about 18 months! After all, you were in New England last week and if you have time for that, you need to make time for those to whom you have financial obligations.

We're waiting, John, what's going on?