John - 'Newbie' is a pretty benign handle - to me it makes its point in a friendly way - without negative connotation, - simply noting the person as 'new to the Forums'. I'm not strongly wedded to it but its worked OK thus far.

I think the real key is what you correctly recognized some time ago. Namely, many folks like the challenge or goal of getting from Newbie to Wacko. I believe this really does encourage participation. We've seen lots of folks who celebrate their 50th posting and others seem to share their enjoyment in the achievement. I'll bet there are several members who can tell you exactly which message was their 50th.

I don't think it will be as meaningful going from 'blank' to Wacko as it is going from 'something' to Wacko. Its a small rite of passage thats easy to accomplish - all you really need to do is hang out and participate. So I'm in favor of keeping some sort of handle that is reserved for new people just so they have the opportunity to move beyond it.

Its important for folks coming into the forums to understand this *is* an established group and not a free-for-all. Its also important for groups to have or develop a mutually supportive identity - call it tradition if you like. Sharing a lore whether directly or as it is passed along from one to another helps bind the group members over time. Across history - from tribes to fraternal orders - the passage of achievement and participation is marked in some way. If the Newbie-to-Wacko thing reflects this and helps us have a tradition we can call our own, then to my way of thinking, its a positive.

So my answer (finally!) is this - until we can some up with something better than 'Newbie' that serves the same function, then I say keep it. If a better term comes along, I suspect we'll recognize it and say 'hey lets use that'.

John - I admire your continual willingness to try things that may generate new or renewed interests. Its the hallmark of a great moderator. The fact that we're still here and having fun suggests you know pretty darn well what works. :-) Your call buddy - I'll support what you think is best for our group cause I know that'll be the basis for whatever decision is made.


[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 03-29-2001).]