JJ - That may be true about older members knowing each other and not wanting to bore their "old buddies" with that kind of information. But, the other point that has been brought to my attention by newer members is the "clicke" (think it's spelled right) they feel is in place by older established members. I know that when I joined and everyone was talking about this trip and that trip and where are we going to meet next, etc. I felt very out of place. There are many of us that cannot make these trips due to health problems(Amy's back), money situations, job commitments, etc and these are the members that we should be trying to entice into the folds of the Forum. While your history may be old news to your "buddies" it is not old news to the members that have joined in the last 3-4 years and it definately isn't old news to me and I joined 7-8 years ago. As Judy put it, many others may feel the same way as you do but there are many, many others that would enjoy reading about your life history and what brought you to Harbour Lights. Just remember, you to were a new member at one time or going to a new school or a new job and what it felt like when the older members just talked among themselves and didn't pay any attention when you walked up. The same applies here and it is only good manners to welcome these new members as you would like to be welcomed by telling them a little bit about yourself or at least welcoming them in the Welcome Forum.
