Seems like I was very close to the number of responses I would get from this post. I figured 6-7 and so far the number is 9 members with an additional 9 posts from those 9 members. It's disappointing but then this is what I expected so I wasn't counting on anything more.

What is really disappointing is the number of responses to the "All About Yourself" post in the General Forums. How can we get to know you if you won't take the time to tell us about yourself. The few that took the time to tell us about themselves was very informative. For example, I thought that the Cape Cod Store was a real store and to find out it is strickly mail order was a shock. How Roland progressed to where he is was very interesting. I now feel I know him a lot better and could carry on a real conversation if we were to ever meet.

Where are the rest of our members?
