I am trying to make Super Wacko but I don't want to post just to get the numbers up. It needs to be for a better reason than that!
Simple posts in the "Welcome" thread couldn't be much easier. Unfortunately, we usually get less than a dozen to welcome a new member to the CF. I think it's a good ice-breaker for the new person to see that people are welcoming him or her. It's encouragement and that's important.

There used to be birthday and anniversary greetings down in the personal thread many times a month. Unfortunately, that isn't happening anymore but it would be a nice touch if it resurrected itself. It adds a personal touch and a chance for friends, old and new, to pipe in.

The free-style group limerick is probably the longest thread in our history. It changes several times a day and puts the red check mark indicating there is something new to view. Join in!

The worst thing that can happen is to have a member view the CF and see nothing new whatsoever for that day. So say happy birthday or happy anniversary, welcome a new member, add to the group limerick, post some pictures, share your trips and adventures, and keep the CF moving forward each and every day!

smile Bob smile