Other things to keep in mind when you upload to lighthousekeepers.com:

PLEASE resize your images as John has requested. Max length in either direction should be 500 pixels, and this is pushing it.

Compress your jpegs - many programs allow choice of how compressed.

If you are scanning an image to post, scan it at 75 dpi MAX - anything more is wasted since your monitor displays at 72dpi.

Getting images the correct size is important for a couple of reasons:

If you exceed the size limit you force someone to have to scroll sideways in addition to up and down to have to view your image.

If you fail to compress your images and load up a thread it can be very, very slow loading for those with dial-up connections. If I run across a thread that is loading that slowly, I back out and move on.

The forums are designed to share with others, and I hope that you will do so thoughtfully. There are many great pictures here in the forums and we all enjoy them. All I ask is that you do your share to be a responsible picture poster.
