For many years approval was automatic. When we started getting spammers and other shady types we started putting them in queue to take a look at who wanted access. Rich may remember better than I do, but we have been screening for maybe a couple of years.

There are many ISPs that I automatically block registrations from. Just looking at proposed screen names or email addresses may also lead to rejection. We do look at the profiles for most applicants. There are some mandatory fields we now require to help screen out people with no interest in HL or LH. I believe that somehow people have developed a script capability to try to automatically register at UBB powered boards. The extra fields I have made mandatory help to trip up their automated process.

The major reasons we have begun to limit registration have been touched on by Margret. There are purveyors of porn, drugs and other assorted garbage. There are those who want a way to gain access to our membership and the information in their profiles. As I have time I sometimes will go back to older registrations and shut off their access if appropriate.

While we could go in and delete anyone with no posts, there are many valid users who have registered but do not post. Don't want to shut them out.

So, Rich and I will continue to try to keep out the bad guys to allow us to have a good membership base and a place for all of us to enjoy.