Let me add to this topic as a new member to the CF but not a new member to Harbour Lights(7 yrs)or to monitoring this CF(since J.C. started it).

I have been treated really nice since joining on the 8th of October. I stated right off that I would post when I felt that I had something worthwhile to say, otherwise, I would be posting under the Marketplace the most. Selling extra Harbour Lights is the only way that I CAN AFFORD to keep my lighthouse passion going. I expect to make a profit from my extra pieces, and visa versa, I expect the other person who is selling extra pieces to also make a profit. I have purchased somewhere in the neighborhood of 15 pieces off the secondary market as I was building my collection. Did I begrudge them a profit? Heck no, I was darned glad to find them and be able to buy them. Hopefully, the pieces that I've sold since joining the CF have been appreciated by the people buying them and I hope they don't begrudge me the profit that I made.

Anytime that a new person joins in anything they have an acceptance period during which time they are paying their dues. Many of the members in this forum are "plank owners" so to speak and have a bond between them that has been developing for years. This is something that over the years I hope to be able to develop myself. Will it happen overnight, I doubt it. Does this make me think they have a clique, heck no. They are FRIENDS.

I guess what I am try to say Fresnalhead is, from a newcomer to the forum myself, don't come off thinking that you were slighted because no one provided you with a lens. It was probably because no one knew you and you were asking for a lens at cost to the individual going to the reunion. If you had asked if anyone was interested in selling one at a profit or trading for one, you probably would have had takers. Remember, you are a new kid on the block just like me and you have to wait your turn.

