Yo fresnelhead - these lighthouse models have a warm fuzzy side and they have a value side. These are not mutually incompatible.

It ain't you or your number of messages or your not having a computer at home, or anything like that - its Collectibles. Manufactured scarcity of something desirable with the prospect that it will increase in value due to supply and demand. Just cause lottsa folks here ooze friendship, cuddle up with lighthouses and schmooze with one another doesn't mean they swap or sell in total abandon of notions of value. You weren't shut out - you underbid.

Read messages, ask questions, learn what's what, and what its worth - if you wanna join the clique all it takes is interest and participation. So cop a chill. Eat your vegetables. Have a nice day. Caveat Emptor. God Bless America. All are welcome.

Saint Fingerwagger

[This message has been edited by JTimothyA (edited 10-27-2001).]