Hey Mark...

Now that some time has passed, I guess the story can be told.

I too headed up the coast after the 97 Reunion. Each time I stopped at a Harbour Lights retailer, they all said that this big guy had swept through a few days before looking for the best pickins'.

At one store, they even pointed to a package scheduled for UPS pick up ("when the strike is over"). I saw YOUR NAME on the package. I told the lady you and I were fellow collectors who lived in the same town, had just been to a 'family reunion' and that I'd be happy to take it home with me and deliver it to you. She hesitated a minute and, after a few more assurances, she said "Well, OK" and handed me the box.

I was walkin' out the door when she called me back and handed me $6.60 - saying that was what UPS would have wanted to deliver it and I might as well have that too.

It looks REAL nice - and you're right! It is perfect.

She must be a fast thinker to come up with that fire story when you called.

0 :>) St. John of the Internet