OK - here ya go. Click on the link labeled 'MPEG test' to download an MPEG file and play it in your Windows Media Player. I run NT and don't know if this same player is available in Win 95/98, but I'll assume there's something similar.

If you need the player, check here for a version that should work with IE4 & IE5: MS Windows Media Player 6.4

File size is 574KB, so it'll take a little while (minute or two) to download.

MPEG test

Course you'll need to supply your own MPEGs and a place to store 'em, just like JPEGs and other pictures.

Here's the code:

[a ref="http://www.yourURLgoeshere.com/filename.mpeg" target="_self"]Name or description of MPEG goes here[/a]

Replace the square brackets with angle brackets...

Now, let's see if works...

... OK - it worked! Doncha just love testing in production. :-)

Couple more notes.

The Media Player will pop up during the download. And the 'thumb' on the slider may move. (Didja know that was the name of the thingy you grab onto in a scroll bar - a 'thumb').

Wait til the D/L is all done. Then click the 'Forward' button - the large black triangle. You may need to click the black square (stop) before you can play. Same as your VCR. Fwiw, I had to run through the movie several times before the whole played. You'll know if you're playing the entire movie if you see Grommet spin around.

MPEG files may have an extension of 'MPEG' or 'MPG' Be sure to use the actual name of your file in the link.

Problemas? I'll try to solve 'em if I can.