In another thread, St John has begun an inquiry into producing a replacement for the "Suvival Guide". It got me to thinking, and since I'm home with the flu, I writing down these thoughts.
Has anyone ever thought to compile the "Best of the Forum"? I have been entertained and informed by these threads for over a year, but occasionally I find myself reading posts from years gone by.
The "family" of Newbies, Wackos and Saints are truly amazing and also caring. I enjoy the wit, humor and expertize.
I still chuckle when remember that St Paul had his Christmas Portland Head snatched from his hands a year ago or the "serious" thread about Alaska Lights which unexpectedly turned into a series of bad puns. "When I see Mrs Younger, ALASKA".
Rod's road trips, Bill's reviews, Mombo's insights and many others have taken me for a wonderful ride. I think it would be a great read.
Also, what about an edited version of a Forum topic in the Legacy every quarter? About a page long? It would inform and introduce non-posters to a world they may be missing and utimately to kindle that fire to keep the lights burning.
- Joe