I would like to give everyone a little background about why I am sending this post. Last year at the first Harbour Lights Reunion, John Chidester mentioned to several AOL Harbour Lights chatters that he was having a hand-painted tie of Point Arena made for Bill Younger. He asked if we wanted to contribute to cover the costs. It was a way for our Internet group to say thanks to Bill for creating and hosting the Reunion. John presented the tie to Bill at the dinner. John and I have had many conversations during the past year about what we might do this year and we wanted to include Nancy, our gracious hostess.

The idea that we liked the best is the reason for this note. I purchased 2 beautiful seahorse wine goblets for Bill and Nancy, like those shown in the first picture below (these are mine that I bought a year ago). These unique goblets are hand made in England (Suffolk Studio Glass). We are hoping that there will be enough interest by the old group plus our new Internet friends to purchase a total of 8 to 10 glasses. The entire Younger family could use them when they get together for special occasions. If enough people want to participate, I will be happy to purchase the additional goblets and have them shipped to Harbour Lights when I return from the Reunion.

The goblets cost $50 for a pair (plus a little for shipping). If you would like to contribute to this gift, you can look me up at the reunion and donate to the cause. It should be around $10 to $15 per person if enough people contribute. If we purchase 10 glasses, it would cost $250 plus shipping. Twenty Five people at $10 would work out great. If more than 25 contribute, instead of trying to give a refund to everyone I will buy as many sets as the donations will cover. The Youngers can serve these to houseguests if the total is more. This is a small way of saying thanks for hosting the reunion again, establishing a new web site and creating an outstanding line of lighthouse collectibles.

I would like a "show of hands" (e-mail) before Friday the 25th, just to get some idea of how many people want to contribute. You can e-mail me at engbrady@aol.com and let me know. I will wait until the Reunion to collect the money and I will need you to look me up so that I won't bother anyone who doesn't want to contribute. I will be the guy carrying a couple of cameras, looking like the "other" guy in the second picture below. John Chidester and the folks manning the Internet display should be able to help you find me also. (I will be on the two bus tours before the Reunion.) It should be a great time at the reunion.

Thanks for the read,
Paul L Brady engbrady@aol.com

P.S. This is to be a surprise so please don't mention it to the Youngers or their staff!

[This message has been edited by engbrady.]

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!