I'm writing to let everyone know that a new Harbour Lights Collectors Club is being formed in the Virginia/North Carolina area, and I'm inviting anyone here that may be interested in joining us to contact me.

This club will be known as
Outer Banks Lighthouse Lovers

All HL collectors and/or North Carolina lighthouse lovers in Virginia, North Carolina and surrounding states, including Junior members ages 6-17, are invited to join.

Our club will hold business meetings with a program twice a year and will also plan several one to two-day lighthousing trips per year.

The goal of our HL Collector's Club will be to raise funds for lighthouse preservation and restoration and increase awareness of this need.

We will also have a long term goal of becoming an official chapter of the Outer Banks Lighthouse Society.

Anyone who is interested in joining, please contact me at castleberry1@comcast.net

Judy smile
