The guys are figuring a plan of attack to scrape off the peeling paint from the walls in a utility part of the basement that has been a catch all for years..

Now that the trailer is emptied of mulch bags, Harold is organizing the trash being hauled out of the above mentioned room, which Doyne will dispose of in his businesses' dumpster.

A masked Larry is one of many who took turns in preparing the room to be freshly painted.

Masked Dave H works on his wall to ready it for re-painting..

This view of the lighthouse is from the nicely done city park next to it.. The park dept. out sources the landscaping care of the park and they have come over to help do the landscaping on the lighthouse grounds during the Summer months starting last year and it help us keep the weeds down..

Harold, Cindy and MargaretAnn are gathering up and hauling off more trash to the trailer from the basement..

Weeding and re-mulching are done along the fence and it really looks nice..

Image for Mombo!!

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!