Hoosier Lighthousing Club Meeting

When: March 21, 2006

Where: MCL Cafeteria at Castleton Corner
5520 Castleton Corner Lane
Indianapolis, IN (317-845-5717)

Time: 12:00 PM EST to 4:00 PM (the meeting starts at 1:00 PM)

What: Planning session for our upcoming year and our Spring gathering at the Old Michigan City lighthouse. There will, of course, be door prizes (a HL359 Bristol Ferry AP lighthouse and a HL132 Ponce de Leon, FL lighthouse), plus great fun and camaraderie!

Renew your membership for 2009..

For more information contact:

The next up-coming event will be...

May 2, 2009 Lighthouse Planting and Work Day at Old Michigan City Lighthouse mark you calendars!

Paul L Brady

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!