Our club just met at Avery Point, in Groton, CT, which has an existing memorial tower, dedicated to the memory of lighthouse keepers, which is in very bad shape. The U of CT which has several buildings at this location, along with the town of Groton, are interested in restoring the memorial, and need to raise a healthy amount of money. Lighthouse keepers were the backbone of the whole system. Now they are basically no more. The history of lighthouses will be with us, as we see the preserved lighthouse sites in the U.S. But surely we need to do something to honor the courage and dedication of both the men and women who served in these lonely towers.

What better way than to restore this memorial. We, as Harbour Lights Society Members, have been generous in our support of the restoration of Tybee. Why not do it again, this time for a memorial to the people who tended the lights. I ask each member to send a contribution, and each HL club to hold a special raffle for this specific project. Our club raised money through raffles on Sat. which has already been donated to the fund.

Now, if there was a Harbour Lights miniature of this unique, one-of-a-kind memorial, would you buy it to add to your overall collection? Please let me know? I am conducting this survey and will turn the results of your answers over to Kim Andrews at Harbour Lights. It would be wonderful if they were to make this limited and unusual piece; and maybe even donate some of the proceeds to the Avery Point Fund. You can maybe help bring this about, by also e-mailing to Harbour Lights and saying that you would love to have such a piece as a part of your collection.

For more information on Avery Point tower, and to get an address for contributing, please contact our club's Preservation Research Chairman, Ron Foster, at spooler@snet.net Hopefully Ron will be able to transmit some photos of this tower to John Chidester for putting on the HL webpage along with information and addresses.

Thank you for helping Keep the Flame burning in the name of all past and present keepers.

Barbara Hupp, chairperson
The New England Lighthouse Lovers
