Actually, we did get rain in the afternoon, which added to the challenges. However, the group kept on going. What could be wrong with working on a metal ladder, with electrical stuff in the rain??? This picture will give you a little idea of the rain. This is Roy outside the lantern room helping Jeff, who is laying on a very wet walkway. We ran the new lights at a slightly different location around the lantern room, which made this a little more challenging.

The hatch to get outside the lantern room is not very large . . .

We kept going longer than we sometimes do, trying to get as much done as possible. Two ladders, no waiting . . .

Several of us were able to come back Sunday for a while to finish up the basic design we had for lights. We had to do the NE window on the front as well as the two windows on the north side of the light. It takes a lot of teamwork to make sure that we were able to progress with the speed we did, and to keep things as safe as possible.

Before we left Saturday I added a couple of long strings of whitle LED lights to our wreath (which came pre-lit with colored lights) and we put the wreath into place. Something about Doyne not wanting to be on the porch roof in the cold in December again this year.

Sunday, while it started overcast, was a much nicer day than Saturday was. Early afternoon, Doyne, Gary and I were in the lantern room placing the hooks that we will use for the lantern room trim. With the sun out it got rather warm in the lantern room.

It took us a little while Saturday to get things rolling along smoothly. While we had the general design laid out working with the lights was a new experience for everyone. The new lights are LEDs enclosed in a clear tube which really made things easy once Jeff and Doyne figured out how to place the lights and attach them to the building. The "run" along the front roof line continues around the corner to the peak and down again - all one continuous run. Only takes one electric connection which is really nice. These lights will be brighter, last a lot longer, draw a lot less current than the lights we removed. And, the bulb spacing is nice and even throughout the run.

Once we see how things look in December we may decide to add some more next year - who knows. Now that we know how to perform the task it won't be quite the challenge.