Well we had a great time last night. Thanks to our hosts, lead by President Peter Landsperg. Nancy made a great presentation emphasizing Harbour Lights role in supporting groups or individuals who can make a difference in saving a lighthouse. This was a great transition into my talk on the Long Island Chapter of the US Lighthouse Society. As usual HL generously provided door prizes, including Coney Island, Cold Spring Harbor, and Eddystone much to the delight of the winners. (This was my first chance to see and touch CI and CSH. I can't wait to get my own.) Jakers didn't come so I didn't have a chance for him to pick my ticket. What was especially neat was that Nancy was able to reschedule this date after being snowed out in March. Nancy was every bit a charming and informative as Bill but didn't drop any secrets. Oh well? My last clue from BY in September was about Huntington Harbor which turned out to be Cold Spring Harbor. I'm not complaining...any LI LH is good and keep them coming!

[This message has been edited by rscroope (edited 05-02-2001).]