The really bad thing is I didn't paint in my Navy time - "not my job" - but we did choose a nice shade of haze or battleship gray for the former clothes line post. Had to clean up the post so it would not detract from the new decoration it gained..

What Paul didn't see while we were building the box around the sign was Jake & Kat doing a takeoff on the old railroad way of two people hammering on the same stake....

Notice the two hammers in motion. Still grateful we didn't end up with a workman's comp claim.

The folks kept bringing stuff up from the old oil building. Either that fairly small building had a heck of a basement or June had done a great job of packing it full to bursting! (Kind of like the old ads where you saw 15 people get out of a VW Beetle - no way all that "stuff" could all have been in the oil building!)

What a great weekend we had: fantastic weather, a great group of people and a most worthwhile project. As a group we had a really wonderful time, and I want to thank each and every one of our club members who helped during the weekend. Something worth noting is even though our club name is the Hoosier Lighthousing Club, we had our members and friends from Ohio, Michigan and Missouri join us in this effort.

Another big thanks needs to go to John, because it was due to the HL site and the Forums that most of us came into contact with each other. A common interest in Harbour Lights and lighthouses in general led to the formation of a club, and the chance to work together to help a deserving light. All the stiffness and soreness we are "enjoying" today is worth it when one realizes how much we accomplished this weekend!
