In other words we, as New York State taxpayers are already paying for upkeep and maintenance for the State Park which includes the Fort and the Lighthouse. It's my understanding that the Fort receives most of the state funds with a small amount allotted to the Lighthouse.

When we had a get together last summer with Bill our club members, who presented a check in support of the lighthouse, were charged admission to park our cars. We were, however, offered a free tour of the fort and were able to use one of the park buildings for the event.

As I haven't been able to attend any of the work days I'm curious to know if those who have have been required to pay the admission those days? If so it doesn't seem right somehow.

I do know that NY State offers free parking to seniors during weekdays but not weekends. For obvious reasons our times at the lighthouse are on weekends.

In addition to the lighthouse itself there is an adjacent keeper's house which I believe is rented out for additional income. Whether that money goes towards the lighthouse I don't know. There is talk of possible restoration of the building and the installation of a museum.

Another plan is to remove the section of the parking lot in front of the lighthouse. Anyone who visits during busy periods will attest to the fact that getting decent photos of the lighthouse while there are cars parked in this area is difficult.