Thanks for the well wishes! I just bought an OLympus c-3020 and I'm having a ball learning how to use it. I just found out that the pictures of Hog Island Shoals and Musselbed Shoals would have been closer had I known how to turn on the Digital Zoom.

Oh well! I've always said "Live and learn!"

It seems to be a great camera with more features than I'll ever use but it had things that I wanted. The main thing being I don't need to take 24 or 26 pictures before developing the film.

I just finished commenting on the stories on the NELL site and have only read one so far, but they seem to be really informative about life in a lighthouse setting. Thanks for giving us the ehads up on these as I'm sure that others will enjoy them as much as I will.



No mountain is too tall if your first step is belief. -Anonymous