Thanks for the great comment! Photos 1,3 & 4 were all taken from under the Mt. Hope Bridge which is Route 114. Photo 1 was taken at the north end of the bridge (Old Ferry Rd)(Roger Williams College)and 3 & 4 were taken from under the south end (Old Pier Rd to Musselbed Shoal Rd.) Picture 2 was taken from near the causeway leading to Goat Island.

I agree about burying wires anywhere near historical buildings. I wanted to get out near the waters edge to get pictures as the tide was outand the wires would have been mostly out of the pictures, but a construction crew was working on the bridge abutments and I didn't want to get under them and make them nervous or better yet get thrown out of the area. They won't be working there forever and the area is not that far from home. I can always go back.

BobM. I didn't get out to Castle Hill, but we went right by the road to it. Saw Beavertail flashing in the distance from Ocean Drive. Also was able to see Sakonnet Point way off in the distance when we walked a short distance on the Cliff walk.

Still learning how to use the new camera, so I'll be out taking more pictures till I get comfortable with what I'm doing.


[This message has been edited by MtnHkr (edited 05-07-2002).]


No mountain is too tall if your first step is belief. -Anonymous