I had a very different experience at West Point, but I visited in April of '99. Things do change. If I may quote myself from my travelog (only to avoid a link to it here -- it takes forever to load),

You must hike about 1.5 miles (one way, lots of hills -- an invigorating walk in cool weather) to get to the West Point Lighthouse. If you have small children or Ancient Mariners in your party you can stop in the visitors center for a parking permit that will allow you to drive right up to the lighthouse to park. I understand that they also have a shuttle bus during summer weekends. Call 206/386-4236 before you go. You will want to stop in the visitors center even if you do not need a permit or shuttle to pick up a trail map and advice on the best way to get to the lighthouse.

If you arrive and the visitors center is closed, head for the north parking lot. At the far end of the lot is a grass field, beyond which is a paved road. Walk to that road and follow it to the left. It will wind up and back around. Near the top of the grade there is a CROSS WALK sign. Turn right onto the Loop Trail at that point. Follow trail signs to the south beach (north is OK too, but may take longer -- the lighthouse is where the north and south beaches meet at West Point.) The hike takes about 1/2 hour if you walk briskly. Allow substantially more time if you have children along or if you are out of shape -- the hills take their toll!

Take photos of all sides of this lighthouse; it doesn't have a bad side. I also took some time exploring tidal pools on the beach while I was there. The park is beautiful, serene. Savor it.


Another angle...

A view from a distance...

Click here for the full travelog -- IF you have lots of time on your hands!

