I just faxed a letter to Rep. Regula. For those that may be interested, this is what I wrote:

"Dear Congressman Regula,

I used to be the Chairman of the Legislative Committee for the Southwest Region of the National Air Traffic Controllers Association, so I know you favor hearing from your constituents. However, for very important matters, I also know you are concerned with what others may have to say, especially in your current position.

I am writing to ask for your support in re-instating the $9.8 Million needing to relocate the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse. This National Monument is not only a beacon to sailors on the sea, it is a beacon to our national heritage, past, present, and future. At this moment, the Cape Hatteras Lighthouse stands ready to be consumed by the same waters she has protected for 128 years. If nothing is done, this famous beacon will be extinguished for all time. Please help us in "Keeping the Flame" for Cape Hatteras.

If I may be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at 504-654-4453. Thank you for your time, and what I am sure will be your help in this matter."

Keep those cards and letters coming!!