Bob: To my knowledge when the Coast Guard wishes to dispose of a lighthouse the sale is handled through the US General Services Administration which has regional offices throughout the country, i.e. Galloo Island went through the New England Region. The person who appears to be in charge of this region is Meta Cushing, 617-565-5823, She certainly replied promptly to my inquiry so she might be a good starting point for you in obtaining the information.

Here is the main site for the US GSA:

Here are toll free numbers for the regional offices and field offices from a brochure I received along with the bid package for Galloo:

800-755-1946 Boston,Ma.- Regional
800-473-7836 Atlanta, Ga. - Regional
800-833-4317 Ft. Worth, Tx. - Regional
888-GSA-LAND San Fran., Ca. - Regional

800-755-1946 Chicago, Il. - Field
800-814-6205 Auburn, Wa. - Field