To make your thoughts and feelings on saving Plum Island Lighthouse known to your elected federal officials, you can get the name and address of your U.S. Representative here .

To get the name and address of your U.S. Senator go here .

Even if you don't know who they are you can look them up from either site. Although I strongly suggest sending a letter as being much more effective, you can email most of them from either site.

Whenever I write to a Senator or Representative in a state not my own but where the lighthouse is located (Florida for instance), I make sure to mention the fact that I'm a tourist visitor to their state (in my Florida example, a frequent tourist).

I always get a response from Louisiana officials, nearly always from other states. I follow up responses with brief letters thanking them and asking to be kept up to date on the situation. I occasionally get a follow up, too.

It's been my experience that letter writing efforts pay dividends in lighthouse restoration.

Keepin' the flame
[This message has been edited by LamarB (edited 03-07-2000).]