A couple of notes on this topic...

I spoke with Merle Wiggin (East End Seaport Director) today and he had some encouraging news. The Coast Guard Commander has agreed to have the light recommissioned if the local commercial traffic deems it beneficial. Of course the "commercial traffic" in Plum Gut primarily consists of the Cross Sound Ferries. The Cross Sound Ferry company happens to support local lighthouse preservation and we're confident they'll back the project. Merle has already spoken with them.

Newsday is eager to publicize the project once it gets underway. And I'll be seeing a NY Times reporter on a Lighthouse Safari this weekend. Plus we're putting together a press packet and working on our PR strategy. We're working on a magazine article, too. So the publicity angle should go well.

The big stumbling block in this project is the government. The best way for people to help is to call their congressman and/or senator and demand that the government preserve this part of American history. It resides on federal land. There's a law that requires the feds to preserve historic structures on their property, but apparently there's a loophole that adds that it only applies if the project is consistent with that agency's mission. That's how the USDA's been skirting the issue. Congressman Forbes is on board, and we're gong to work on Lazio next. Any help with talking to federal, NY State, Suffolk County or Southold Town officials would help.

If enough people care, this will get done. If the public decides to continue to allow the government to sandbag, it'll be a tough road.

Bob Muller
Stony Brook, NY