I also have to tweak my list now!

My 2006 list:

1) Doubling Point Range Lights, ME. -- DONE IN MARCH 2009
2) Bailey's Harbor Range Lights, WI.
3) Munising Range Lights, MI.
4) Crisp Point, MI.
5) Anything in Canada. -- DONE IN MARCH 2009.

My 2009 list:

1) Monomoy, MA.
2) Return to the Chesapeake. -- DONE BETWEEN AUGUST 2009-JULY 2010
3) Prince Edward Island.
4) Lake Champlain. -- DONE SEPTEMBER 2010.
5) Canadian Great Lakes lights.

And now...my 2010 list!

1) Revisit the Seaway Trail. Someplace that was really great to visit in 2004, I need to go back. And this time, I'm circling the Canadian side too. (Mix with #5 from 2009.)

2) Michigan. I need to go to Michigan, more than just St. Joe's. There is so much to see...and I'm already getting the wheels spinning.

3) PEI. Still on the list. I need to get there...I've wanted to for years. It's one of the coolest collections of lights in Canada, IMO.

4) The Pacific Northwest. There's so much to see here...and it's the last region I have to cover. But plans are in the works for June 2011!

5) Florida...I've only seen the Miami area lights. There's so much more to see...from the Keys to the Gulf.

Let's see how much happens by September 2011!