Some of the later GLOWs are really nice - far superior to their more early 'collectible' siblings. I like some of them, 38 at last count, and display them with the LE's, 152 inc 500/600/700 nos, and my six A-B's. I would do the same if I had some big-buck collectibles - perhaps even reselling said big buck LE to fund more LE's and GLOW's! I know, heresy... but I like the lighthouses these things represent - I guess I am not a true collector.

I have bid on more than a dozen items on E-Bay over the years - and lost them all in the last few minutes. I have never bought or sold from E-Bay, although I have been a student of sorts of the market. The prices do fluctuate with the economy... folks with money often prefer to buy from a store, for example. I have noticed quite a bit of reselling in my various hobbies - some even current stock pieces offered there for well over current list. Gluttony exists everywhere - I was told by a local dealer that the Middle Bay AL light would run me $300, if she still had it... I bought mine via the 'Retired at Retail' program from H-L for retail from Collector's World in Cape Code that day by phone. It pays to shop - and treat E-Bay prices with a grain of salt.


Oops - I have to comment on the burger/filet mignon comparison. At the end of the day, their effect on you is the same...

Gotcha! I meant they both will clog your arteries!