After #1 no particular order; Our trip to Ireland and visiting over 70 lights and climbing 5. I was on the same trip as Hilari

Dave's regional in Virginia and my bittersweet return to Cape Henry and climbing both, and then onto the outer banks, and climbing Cp. Hatteras.

Weekend in Maine, boat trip to Petit Manan, Libby Island, Nash, Moose Peak, Narraguagus (Pond Island, then visiting and climbing, West Quoddy, Little River, Prospect Harbour and on the way home Fort Point Again with Hilari and Jim etal.

NELL's LHHC&Y 2006 with access to and a climb of Cape Elizabeth. Finally got in there with ALF's help.

The painting of Long Point Lighthouse and using and sleeping at Race Point Light as our home base while doing so.

2006 was an excellent year for me for lighthousing and 2007 is shapping up the same way. towel vhappy cheers

Tom K

:) :cool: