Sorry to say when I was really seeing lighthouses I didn't take time to photograph them.Just the now local ones (Fl.)I cant remember how many times I took bow and beam bearings going around the Keys from fowey rocks to tortugas.Then into Port Aransas Tx,Corpus Christie and Galveston up to Baytown & houston,thru southwest pass up the mississippi river to Baton Rouge.All the way up the east coast to Halifax N.S.Including a few trips up the Hudson river to Albany.Then to get interesting Cuba,Puerto Rico,Curacoa,Aruba Venezuela Cartgena col..Also one trip around South America thru the straits of magellan up the west coast and back thru the canal.For the other side of the atlantic,England,France ,Belguim Holland,Scotland,Down the Elbe River to Hamburg Ger.Then up North in Norway to Bergen &Trondhiem to see the midnite sun.To round it out thru gibraltar to Italy,Egypt thru the Seuz and persian Gulf to Saudi and Iraq.looking back I wish I had thought to take more pictures back then but there where no replicas or collectors club then and lighthouses were still used for thier intended purpose It is great to look back to the past sometimes.Bill O'Brien

Bill O'Brien