Beacon of Freedom Honors Independence Day

Maine's historic Little River Lighthouse on an island off the coast of the tiny
fishing community of Cutler honored the 4th of July with the unfurling of a
large American flag from the top of the lighthouse.

The giant flag was first used on October 2, 2001 when the lighthouse, which had
been dark for 26 years, was relighted as a Beacon of Freedom to the world after
the terrorist attack on September 11. Since then, the large flag has only been
displayed on special occasions and patriotic holidays.

The lighthouse will host its first Open House of the Season on July 10th, from
10am to 1pm, and boat rides will be provided to the island. Refreshments will be
available on the island.

For more information you can call them at 207-259-3833 or visit their web site at

My best, smile
Paul Conlin

Help Save Our Lighthouses!

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American Lighthouse Foundation
P.O. Box 565
Rockland, Maine 04841

207 594-4174