Suzanne - It appears there are 3 more books I need to purchase!

Webmaster -You are right on the size. Math like this isn't my strong suit so I asked my wife for help. I found on the tug page 1/48 scale is 1/4 = 1 ft. There was some confusion since my wifh kept telling me it would be 6 ft wide. While laying in bed thinking about this I did the math in my head and like you found this would be 6" wide not 6 ft wide. Your right. I might as well build a village out of the Harbour Lights lighthouses.

I went from too big to too small. My ideal size I think would be about 3 ft wide and that may be too big. I will have to play downstairs and find a good size.

Would masonite hold up to WI weather and being outdoors? This lighthouse will be outdoors 24/7 365 so it will see everything from rain, snow and sun.

Here is the link to where I had the idea come from.

If you search around you can find you can purchase the latern room just from them but I feel this latern room doesn't look like the latern room on the Sturgeon Bay light.