C.) Think twice about doing it

Nobody on the face of this earth would enjoy living in a lighthouse any more than I, but after talking to several people that do live in lighthouses most say they would not do it again. They are constantly bothered and harassed by people that assume that they have the right to invade their privacy.

Bill Younger told me a story that he had encountered with the same reaction, from a very nice little old lady, when he knocked on the door to ask permission to shoot some pictures. He asked her what she would do different if given the chance. She said she would have never purchased it. She said most of the people are nice but some are very rude and get down right nasty. She also stated that even the nice ones act like they are probably the only one's to bother her, on any given day. Bill told me that he realized that he was doing the same thing at that moment and apologized to her.

I would much prefer seeing lighthouse societies, historical societies and state parks purchase and run the lighthouses for everyone to share without invading anyone's privacy.

B & B's are another story since the owners are in the business of serving people it sort of comes with the territory.

Saint WackoPaul '
Keep the Flame

[This message has been edited by engbrady (edited 07-28-99).]

Onward to The Land of the Midnight Sun!