Couple months ago we took a charter boat to visit Chambers Island. The island sits in the middle of Green Bay. The lighthouse is very similar to the one at Eagle Bluff. Sadly the Chambers Island light is missing its lantern room. Turns out its 2nd order lens is SOMEWHERE IN NEBRASKA and all the valiant efforts of the Chambers preservation group can't retrieve it.

First order Fresnel lens' are not exactly commonplace. And they're HUGE - big enough to walk around on the inside (six-feet wide by 12 feet tall).

If your acquaintance has enough money to buy a 1st order lens they have enough money to get a reproduction made. Better yet - donate the money to some lights in need of lens repair - they'll be happy to put up a plaque noting the generosity of the donor and we'll all be the better for 'em.

Acquiring one deprives the lighthouse to which it belongs.
