
I agree that a new organization should not be formed unless the current one is not getting the job done. That does not appear to be the case from my vantage. We certainly do not need bickering between two or more entities to inhibit progress and waste funds.

I suggested above only to suggest to OBLHS that a sub-fund specifically aimed at Bodie restoration be set up. Along with that I would include sub-funds for each of the other OB Lighthouses. My thinking is that being able to specify where funds are used might bring in more total dollars. One thing that bugged me (even though I understand the reasoning) when I visited Cape Henry was the fact that none of my donation would actually be used on Old Cape Henry. It went to other Chesapeake lights as decided by that organization (also a fine organization, btw). Cape Henry appears to be something of a cash cow. I'm sure that in the grand scheme of things there are more pressing needs among the Chesapeake lights than Henry. Somehow though, I think I would have given more if I knew it would directly benefit the light that I was visiting at the moment.

I certainly understand the viewpoint of allowing the OBLHS their right to concentrate funds and make decisions. I just wonder if more couldn't be raised with another approach, especially on the Outerbanks where *all* the lights are highly visited, and there are only a handful of them. That's very different than the Chesapeake situation where they need to protect many and more obscure lights, too. In the Chesapeake region, targeted funding wouldn't work except at the expense of these more obscure lights. However, I think it can work on the Outerbanks. Just a thought.

Carry on, OBLHS.

