Since this topic came up I did some investigating on the situation at Bodie Island lighthouse right now.

The National Park Service is waiting for a transfer of the tower to them. Maybe the transfer papers are stuck on someone's desk, who knows? At any rate, ownership is a big issue right now.

In addition, there's another new superintendent trying to ‘come up to speed’ on the situation. And as if that weren’t enough, the National Park Service is trying to work on the Wright Brothers Memorial to prepare it and the surrounding area for a big event in 2003.

People are coming to Bodie Island in droves to see it and it's this kind of public pressure that will get it restored. Approximately $85,000 is needed to stabilize the stairs, but this alone may not be what can open it and earn money like Currituck did years ago to begin their outstanding restoration. Most of the ironwork is weak and may present too many safety problems to allow public access anytime soon.

All the money is NOT going to Cape Hatteras! It'll take time to get that light station in top form, then perhaps full attention can be given Cape Lookout AND Bodie Island.

Those wishing to express their sentiments and concern can email
and perhaps request a copy of the email be forwarded to the new superintendent, Francis Peltier.