I just got an interesting idea yesterday. I was thinking about the Colonial, pre-Revolution lights of the US:

Boston Harbor (1716)
Tybee Island (1742)
Brant Point (1746)
Beavertail (Jamestown) (1749)
New London Harbor (1760)
Sandy Hook (1764) (Still Standing)
Cape Henelopen (1767)
Morris Island (1767)
Plymouth (1769)
Portsmouth (1771)
Thacher Island (1771)

What if HL released a special "Colonial Collection" of these lights in their colonial forms. Sandy Hook could be depicted with a 1700s lantern (I believe it originally had a birdcage).

The pieces could be released 1-3 a year, instead of the whole dozen at once, to keep collectors costs down. I'm seeing an edition size of 5500, to try to help it keep SOME market value in this market.

Let me know what you think! laugh